Part 8: The Land of Wind
Update 8 - The Land of Wind
MUSIC: The Windscape

We are back in the spirit world, this time the Land of Wind! The Land of Wind features some great music, great visuals, but also, some much more fun puzzles.

Here's one of those puzzles now. The accordion prompts are back now as sources of wind. This one is heading directly up right now, but with the magic of singing...

We can easily make it across. The puzzles in the Land of Wind are more fun to me because they're more timing based than the Dream World puzzles. It makes them more interactive, I feel.

This wind source is hiding a bit from us, but if we fall down...

It carries us across to the other side.

You could use the other wind source to go up to the higher ledge, but it's blocked off and forces you to come back down here anyway.

Oooh boy. This one makes it look like it's a massive escalation too soon, but it's more trying to disguise how easily you can get across.

You don't have to move a single one of the wind tunnels until the very top, as there is a part of the platform that blocks you otherwise. So you just simply adjust it to make it across and presto!

Well this one seems simple as heck.

This is where the timing starts to come in. If we move the wind to the right, then that other wind tunnel will also move to the right. So we need to make sure that we quickly change it back to heading up after we jump off the one we are on.

Once we've made it past that, timing is no longer an issue and we just simply change the wind direction to the right and head to the next area.

Ah, this one looks fun.

That one didn't require us to do anything, but this one clearly will. Pointing the tunnel down and to the right wil let us through, but will there be a platform on the other side, or more wind we need to manipulate?

Timing was just perfect on that one! Even a little bit longer and I would have had to do it again.
That is the good thing if you aren't good at these - there's no punishment for failing. I know some people may dislike that, as what's the challenge in that? But Wandersong has it's own thing going on and clearly wants to make things fun without risking anyone getting left behind. If the game wasn't so cute and positive, it may not have worked.

We safely land and head off to the next area.

Timing will, again, be crucial.

There's actually a lot more leeway than it looks like. Some wind tunnels will blast you off at the end, but these ones allow you to hover when you hit the end of them. It gives you a bit more time to move the directions the way you need to go.

The platforms to the right of Bard can be jumped on to advance. They don't stand out too well admist the scenery, and can make you think you did something wrong at first.

This one is going to require us to move the direction back and forward quickly if we want to advance.

As before, these tunnels aren't as strong as they seem, which gives you more time to plot your next course.

The last one here is simple, which let's us move on to the last area.

Oh... what's this one doing?

Oh...ok! This one requires you to make a jump at the end to get off. But the jump has to be backed by the wind tunnel or you won't have enough force to make it across.

When we make it across to the other source, it quickly propels us up and requires us to do it again.

...And again...

But this time, we're going to need to change directions to make it past. Unlike with the tunnels in previous areas, these are really quick, so you don't have a lot of time to change directions as before. It's a nice ramp up of difficulty without the threat of anything meaningful if you fail.

And we made it to the other side! If you do fail at any point in that sequence, you do have to start from the beginning of the area. So it can be a little tedious if you fail. But I never felt like it was a problem, and it never felt frustrating or the game's fault if I did mess up.

We've made it to the end! Now all that's left is to meet the Queen of Winds and get our first piece of the Earthsong!

Nice castle. It's cool that each Overseer gets a different type of castle.
There's nothing on the other side of the castle for now, so let's head in.

The Overseers sure do love their spacious hallways to enter their inner chambers.

Ah! A wind source, I guess we've arrived.

VIDEO: The Wind Overseer

Eh? An organ? Do we need to play a tune to enter?

Well this dude is a jerk! But uh, he seems to be sitting on top of an organ... and we have a source of wind right here...

That did get him to move, but it seems like he's still refusing to let us see the Queen. He seems easily annoyed and should give up eventually though.

Alright! We got rid of him...! Wait, we just wanted him to give us access to the Queen, not to get rid of him. Ah well, surely we can find the queen easier on our own.


Uhhhhhhhhhhh!! We didn't do it!! He just left!! On his own!!!

Oh, phew. You don't look scary anymore.

MUSIC: The Queen of Winds

Uh, yeah? Like why wouldn't you want to do that? Wouldn't that mean we all not die?

...He was? This whole thing seems...weird. The Dream King outright refused, and she's really unsure if she should do this but then falls to the unyielding plea of "Pretty please with sugar on top."

That felt...really strange. The wind fairy was saying she's not her normal self, and something seems off about her. Oh well, for now we've got our first piece of the Earthsong!!

MUSIC: The Windscape

We were transported to the right side of the castle. Before, there was no point in going past here. But now, the exit is this way.

Ah, we found the annoying little guy. It seems his runaway from home plan didn't get very far.

So talking to the wind fairy some more and things seem really off with the Queen of Winds. As he mentioned, if she's the embodiment of freedom and direction, shouldn't she be strong willed? Why would she so easily bend to our wants and seem really anxious about making a decision?
We'll have to put those thoughts aside for now and deal with the choice in front of us. Despite his current dislike for her, it seems the Wind Fairy does still care about the Queen and is worried about her. And she did ask us to help bring him home, so...
"Go home!"

I think he'll appreciate what we did in due time...
And that time is now, because we're turning around to go check on him.

See? He did appreciate it. As for the others, we've only met the Dream Fairy who seemed to have it pretty good since their Overseer liked sleeping for 99.99 years of every century.
With that, we're done with the Land of Winds! Maybe we will return some day, but for now, we will head back to Delphi.

Back to the land of the living.

Miriam asked us to return to her when we were done with the Overseer. So let's go see how she's doin-

MUSIC: Troll Theme

"My old bud!"

Uh, sure! It didn't do anything last time, but maybe having a part of the Earthsong will help?

Alright, well here goes nothing...

VIDEO: I Wanna Be a Hero

I'm not going to argue this point at all.

Aww, we were able to truly help them out! And maybe now they won't hate all humans, just most of them.

D'awww. Why are these two so cute? They are an absolutely adorable couple.

And from those words, a million fanartists cried out in anguish.
Ok! That's it for the cute trolls. It's time to head back to Miriam and give her the good news!

MUSIC: Blown Away

Hey Miriam! Say, what are you doing talking to that pirate captain?

MUSIC: Miriam

Well... I guess that's the end of this little adventure. We had some fun but, as much as it upsets Bard, we aren't the hero. So, best to just have as much fun as we can and hope the hero solves everything before things get too bad.
As for where we are gonna head, I'll go ahead and leave it up to a thread vote. So let me know if you want to go back to Lan--

MUSIC: I'm Going With You!

Miriam and the Captain head off to the ship... and it seems the band heard us talking with Miriam about our plans.

Aww, we'll miss you too Viola. Despite being kinda self-absorbed, she did seem to actually like us. Which is more than you can say for how she feels about Manny

Speaking of which...

That is one sad Manny

Jeez Manny, showing this much emotion... I didn't think you had it in ya!
Just... one more person to say goodbye to...

Dang... this band we put together and got to know only over a day... is actually super cool??
Welp... that's it for Delphi! I'm gonna miss this town. We were only here for a little bit of time, but the town was super cool in the end! Time to head to the boat and cast off...

Yup! We are ready!